Captain Kenpachi Zaraki

Birthday: November 19
Weight: 198 lbs
Zanpaku-to: Shikai; Unnamed, Bankai; None
Hobby: Napping
Special Skill: Dueling
Food Likes: No special favorites
Spends his Spare Time: Napping
Above all, Kenpachi loves to fight....and he'll be the first to admit that it's his reason for living. He is exhilarated when facing a strong opponent...even in the face of death.
To become the Captain of Squad Eleven, Kenpachi defeated two hundred guards in a challenge, and that included the former Eleventh Squad Captain. Although that sounds vicious, it doesn't exactly reflect the Captain's personality. Kenpachi will normally stop when his opponent is too injured to continue fighting. If they refuse to stop, he does not hesitate to strike the finishing blow.
Kenpachi made his 1st appearance in episode 20 of the anime during "The Rescue" arc. He battles Ichigo and is defeated, but Ichigo feels it was more like a draw. Since their battle, Kenpachi has both admiration and respect for the red-headed boy.
For those who want to know about his crazy hair: Captain Zaraki washes his hair with soap, which makes it stiff so he can style it with those pointed ends. He was once given a hair treatment by 1st Division Lieutenant Chojiro Sasakibe, but it turned out to be a disaster. Needless to say, he's not too fond of Chojiro since then.
Kenpachi has a father/daughter relationship with his lieutenant and partner Yachiru Kusajishi. The demure Yachiru really knows how to handle this big guy. He, also, has a pretty good relationship with his men (a strong and rowdy bunch), 11th Division 3rd Seat Ikkaku Madarame, and 11th Division 5th Seat Yumichika Ayasegawa).