Snowstorm In the Minivan of Doom

By JessieHeart

(Special Thanks to Julie-Sama and, as always, DTT!)



"Hey Grandpa? You think we should be looking for shelter? The weather looks pretty bad." 

"No way little dudes! This is just a frost! No way a big storm'll hit, 'cause my knee ain't achin' if ya catch my drift!" Tyson's grandpa laughed. 

The Blade Breakers were on their way to yet another tournament. Rather than fly by plane, Tyson's grandfather packed them all in a minivan and began to drive through the mountains. 


Eight hours later, they were STILL in the car; cramped, hungry, and very short-tempered. And the snowstorm brewing outside didn't look inviting either. 

"Are we lost?" asked Ray.  

"Of course not!" Grandpa said happily. "Tyson, let me see the map." 

"What map?" Tyson asked, looking around. 

"That rolled up piece of paper I gave ya told hold on to!" 

"That's wasn't a burrito...?" 


Everyone groaned and threw soda cans at Tyson. Kai remained in his usual state- arms folded, eyes closed and frowning. 

"This is just so great... lost in a snow storm!" complained Kenny. 

Max's head popped up from the back seat. "I have to go to the bathroom!" 

"You can hold it." Ray assured him. 

"I've been holding it for three hours!" 


"I told you not to drink twenty-seven sodas." Kai muttered. 

Max groaned and crossed his legs. "You're right... I should have stopped at twenty-five..." 


The minivan started to sputter, moving very slowly. Grandpa let out a haunted, "Uh-oh..." 

The car came to a dead stop. The wind outside blew even harder. 

"Dudes... I think we're outta gas." Grandpa proclaimed. A soda can flew at his head. "OW!" 

Ray twiddled his thumbs innocently. 

"Chief, doesn't Dizzy have a satellite link? Can she find a way out of here?" Tyson asked. Kenny shook his head. 

"I'm afraid that with the storm, I can even turn Dizzy on." 

Ray sweatdropped. "Figures..." 

"Hey, it's in the 'Rules of Anime.' Don't blame me." said Kenny. He shrugged his shoulders and held up a book labeled, "RULZ." 

"I can't hold it any longer... BATHROOM!" screamed Max. He opened his door, instantly getting covered in snow. He slammed the door shut. "Damn! Can't anything go right?" 


Tyson took the "RULZ" from Kenny and began to flip through it. "Let's see... snowstorms... Ah! Here it is. 'Rule One: No mechanical/outside help.'" 

The chief threw Dizzy into the back seat.  

"OW!" shouted Kai. 

Tyson continued. "'Rule Two: A random object must hit the sexiest, strongest, and most serious character (hereby recognized as 'Triple S').'" 

"NOW you tell me." Kai muttered, rubbing his head. 

"'Rule Three: Absolutely no access to outside world; i.e. restaurants, cabins, or restrooms.'" 

Max cussed again. 

"Anything else we need to know?" asked Ray. Tyson scanned the list. 

"Oh! If we get hungry, we have to eat the oldest or most annoying character." 

Everyone looked at Kai. He sweatdropped and covered his face with Dizzy. 

Grandpa laughed. "Hey little dudes! It just occurred to me that I'M the oldest and- oh... oops... hey, don't look at me like that dudes!" 

Max and Tyson licked their lips, staring at the old man. Ray slapped them across the face. 

"Stop it! The best thing to do now is to try and get some sleep," he said. 

"But I have to GO!! I'm about to burst!" whined Max. "I guess I could always use a soda can..." 

Everyone groaned.  

"Come on! NO ONE wants to see THAT!" yelled Kenny. 


The group sprawled out wherever they could find room, attempting at sleep. 

"Kai, get your hair out of my ear." 

"Spiky hair is dominant on my mothers side." huffed Kai. 

"It's cold in here!" said Tyson, teeth chattering. 

"Shut up and try to sleep." Ray whispered. His eyes were shut tight, almost in dreamland. 

"We're all gonna die..." muttered Max. Kenny kicked his stomach. "Not there! You'll make me pee!" 

Everyone groaned again. 


Tyson woke up the next morning cramped and groggy. None of them had a very restful evening. Well, except for Ray and Kai. 

"'Rule Five: The 'Triple S' and the second manliest member must always be rested. This is so they can be at their sexiest at all times.'" Ray read aloud. 

"Did the storm stop?!" Max shouted eagerly. Tyson opened his door. 

A beautiful scene of a snow-cover mountainside greeted them, almost washing away their hunger and sleepiness. They looked around, awe-inspired/ 

There was a frozen lake, the mountain, a gas station, a- 

Gas station? 


Max ran at full speed towards the Texaco, a mere ten feet away. 

Tyson flipped through the rulebook again. "'Hidden Rule: A conveniently placed gas/service station MUST be placed a minimum of thirty feet away from the anime characters in peril. When the danger has passed, the characters may find the station and rescue themselves.'" 

Fifteen minutes later, the group was back to driving. They bought a new map and gave it to Kai for safekeeping. Actually, it was Max who got to drive. 

They hog-tied Tyson's grandpa and threw him on the roof. 

"Hey little dudes! It's kinda chilly up here! WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" 

"'Rule Five: The most annoying character must enjoy his punishment.' Darn." Ray sighed. " Man, these Anime Rules suck." 

Kai took the rulebook and opened it to the very first page. In bold letters it read, "NEVER LISTEN TO THESE RULES!!!" 

They all laughed and tossed the rulebook out the window. 


"OW!" JessieHeart screamed as she was hit with a book. DTT picked it up and began to flip through it. 

The girls were lost and confused, AGAIN. They made an igloo and survived the night, unfortunately for their enemies.  

Jessie started to make a map in the snow. "So, Ryoga said to head South? Will that take us to the North Pole?" 

DTT shrugged. "Who cares? We'll find it eventually. But for right now, rule number fifteen says we have to end this fic." 



(-o-) OWARI (-o-) 


Author's Note: How fun! I loved writing this... it was a great relief us stress. Max fans, please don't flame me. Kai fans, please e-mail me at !!

Lotsa love! Bye!

Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership over Beyblade or related items. JessieHeart belongs to ME (she IS me!) and DTT belongs to my best friend, DTT! (DUH!)