
Episode 50: The Chunin Exams:
The Recommendation Meeting

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What a fun episode even if it was basically a recap.

Konohamaru, Shino, Udon and Moegi discuss the Leaf Village's genin candidates for the Chunin exams. All day, they discuss the road blocks and eventual growth of Shino's class. This discussion leads into an evening of drinking.

After Konohamuru is already hammered, they are joined by Hanabi, and it doesn't take long for her to catch up to him. Like Eve did with the apple to Adam, Hanabi tries to entice Shino into having a drink. He tries to resist until they both trip and the elixir (probably Saki) pours down his throat. Shino is intoxicated and can no longer control his bugs! Needless to say, Naruta is not happy to get a called for a situation like this!!