
Episode 19: In Cold Blood

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Uragami can tell that there is something different about Shinichi, but he, also, knows that the boy is human. Flashbacks depict the evil that lies within Uragami and how he was finally caught when police took him in for a murder committed by a parasite. Thankfully, Uragami informs the police that Shinichi is human.

Shinichi tries to resume his normal life, but Detective Hirama arrives at the school looking for his help. Seems the Commander of ground forces plans to confront The Hirokawa group.

The next morning, Hirokawa's building is evacuated with an excuse. As the civilians are escorted to busses one by one, their x-rays are taken. Suddenly, a woman passes. Her x-ray shows no skeletal remains from her neck up...a sure indication that she is a parasite!